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Department of Business and Economics


We are glad that you are interested in a bachelor thesis in our research area.

Project seminar

As part of your economics studies (Wirtschaftswissenschaftsstudiums), you will have to attend a project seminar before beginning your Bachelor's thesis. There is no separate application for this. By applying for a bachelor thesis, you automatically participate in the application process for the project seminar. Information on how to apply can be found below.


Application and information

Please send applications for theses to abschlussarbeiten.fin.fk11tu-dortmundde. Please make sure to include the following information: First name, last name, matriculation number, e-mail address, course of study, number of semesters, attended finance courses (+ grade), general average grade, preference type of thesis (empirical or literature).

Applications are collected by the first 01/01, 01/04, 01/07 and 01/10 of each year and then evaluated. You can expect an acceptance or rejection within one week after the respective date.

Zoom Link - Presentations


Further information:

General guidelines

Formal requirements

Presentation template